This time last year I was Job in chapter 23. I felt like wherever I turned I couldn't find Him, even when I asked I had no idea what He was doing, and whatever plans He had for me He certainly wasn't filling me in on. But after a year of asking again and again, Him answering actually listening to Him, what I've learned is this: We won't always feel His presence, and we're not guaranteed to. That doesn't mean it doesn't exist, because it absolutely does. God withholds His voice to us when our disobedience would disregard it anyways or when He simply needs us to grow to trust Him more. But He withholds no good thing from us. The most comforting line of a book I've ever read was "He was faithful yesterday. He will not be unfaithful today". How great is that?! This time last year, I couldn't have honestly described God as faithful. I wanted to, and in the back of my mind I thought it to be true. But I felt like He wasn't coming to save me.
When God finally spoke to me "out of the storm" (Job 38), His answer did confirm my fears. He's rearranged so much of my life in this last year. But over the year He's also explained His answer. He doesn't have to and He doesn't always but He did this time. And I can't tell you how shocked I've been to realize that giving up control brings freedom. It's freeing to trust in a God that knows what He's doing better than I do. And even when I didn't specifically hear Him, He had still given me a personal love letter and guide in the Bible, encouragement from friends who pointed me to Him and a multitude of songs/stories of people who went through the same thing. He never left me alone.
I still don't hear His voice on every decision, but I have full assurance that He will be nothing but faithful. Seeing His plans play out explains Him and how He follows through on His promises. If He never did anything else for me ever again in this life, He would still be deserving of my trust because of what He's already done. Our God is a God of faithfulness, and because of what He's done we are free to never have to doubt that He will come through for us.
Amen Kelly! He is faithful and I have come to find that like you said He is faithful even when we don't "feel" his presence with a strong emotional feeling. Thats when our faith comes in and we have to trust like you said in God even when his faithfulness is not something we can touch physically. That is so awesome God is revealing His promises to you through His Word.
ReplyDeleteLove in Christ,