Founder's Day

Happy Founder’s Day to the sorority that has blessed me beyond imagination! Sometimes, when I think of all the wonderful things that have come from my sorority, I feel like our founders got together 161 years ago just for me. I am so thankful that those three women started my sorority on the basis of love, honor and truth.
            In thinking about the foundation of the sorority, it made me realize that the benefits I’ve received from continuing in it have far surpassed the benefits I first thought I would receive when I joined. It’s one of those things that I think will only become increasingly precious with time. It got me thinking, the same is true for me with Christianity. The more involved I become, the more time goes by, the more benefits I discover- and that’s what keeps me in my faith. I’ve decided to list a few of these benefits that remind me everyday why I am a Christian.
            I know my purpose in life. As a daughter of the King, I am an heir to the Kingdom. I know with full assurance that I will be in the perfect Kingdom one day. If I were to die today, I know exactly where I’ll go. I’m not scared of death. God looks at my imperfection, and sees Jesus’ perfection instead. I have someone to go before me and mark my path. I have someone who stands behind me and watches my back. I have a life of excitement and adventure at my fingertips. I am drowned in steadfast love. I have a map for every wrong turn I make at the palm of my hand. I have footprints to follow in. I have someone to talk to every time I’m alone. I’m forgiven every time I ask for it, although I never deserve it. I am taken back every time I run away. My honesty is never condemned. I can’t outrun the love I’ve been given. I can pray for a parking spot, and I’ll get one (in Columbia, that is a miracle in itself), I can honestly say that I’m not feeling like talking to Jesus today, and I’m given the desire when I ask for it. I can ask for energy when I wake up, and I’ll wake up with it. I can pray that God will protect my dreams in a night, and I won’t have any nightmares. My dreams are taken, reworked and surpassed- far beyond what I could’ve dreamt up on my own. I have friends that don’t give up on me simply because God has not given up on them. I have hope that even the obstacles that seem won’t ever go away- will one day be overcome. I am given insight on what is true and where Satan’s lies have me captive. I am free to face every day without fear of the future. And most of all, I know that I am loved beyond comprehension by one person that will never tell me that I am not enough- my loving Savior.
            For those reasons, and so many more, I am a Christian. And I will continue on in my faith until my last day because those benefits far, far, far outweigh any that I could even hope to receive without Christ’s redemption of my heart.

Purpose- Exodus 9:16, full assurance- Hebrews 10:22, God going before- Deuteronomy 31:8, forgiveness- 1 John 1:9, no fear- Isaiah 41:13, steadfast love- Psalm 136, discernment- Romans 21:1-2

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